
  • 两个穿着防化服的人站在仓库前
  • 两个穿着防护服的人在搬运集装箱
  • Two men in hazmat suits in disc golf course两个穿着防化服的人站在仓库前
  • 两个穿着防护服的人站在铁栏杆上
  • 两个穿着防护服的人在操作阀门
  • 两个穿着防护服的人正在操作设备

The USA Center for 继续教育's safety and response training courses are designed to instruct students in the proper protocols of first response efforts and 危险物质的处理. 密集而全面,此培训确保 that students are employable in the private and public sectors upon obtaining their 证书. Each course places students in realistic emergency situations where they wear HAZMAT gear and practice handling real-world scenarios.



Hazardous materials (HAZMAT) training arms students with the proper management of 有害物质. 这对任何与化学品、废物或化学品打交道的人都很有用 被认为危险的环境. 这个领域的一些职业选择包括化学 delivery driver, hazardous waste technician, and environmental specialist.

The HAZMAT Technician course is designed for those who must handle chemical hazards 定期地. 这是对任何在“热点地区”工作的人的要求.“ waste Site Technician course complements the aforementioned training; it is essential for anyone who must wear protective HAZMAT gear at their worksite.

Once students complete the above courses, they are encouraged to enroll in the Annual HAZWOPER Refresher, an eight-hour review course for anyone who is already certified 废物管理.

First response training instructs students on how to handle rescue efforts involving 危险化学品. 急救人员可能被聘为护理人员或环保人员 控制专家.

The First Responder Awareness course and the First Responder Operations course are for students who want to pursue a line of work where they will defuse hazardous chemical 紧急情况.

An OSHA Confined Space Entry course is offered for those who deal with engulfments, 陷阱,或工作时的其他密闭空间.



▼   危险材料技术员- 40小时  
Designed for individuals who respond to the release of hazardous substances in order 积极阻止释放. 任何必须进入“热区”的人都需要.” 
▼   垃圾场工人技术员- 40小时 
Ideal training for workers who regularly participate in activities conducted on hazardous waste sites and may be required to wear personal protective equipment.
▼   HAZWOPER年度复习- 8小时

Serves as an annual refresher for those who have completed Hazardous Materials Technician 培训或垃圾场工人. 复习课可以在教室或教室里进行 钻具选择. 

▼   事故指挥-8小时

Prepares those who are responsible for implementing an employer’s incident command 系统和应急响应计划. 课程还包括化学防护工作 衣物和消毒程序的重要性. 

▼   第一响应者意识课程-8小时$175 

For individuals who are likely to witness or discover a hazardous substance release and who will initiate an emergency response sequence by notifying the proper authorities. 

▼   第一响应者操作课程-16小时

For those who respond to releases of hazardous substances as part of the initial response to the site for the purposes of protecting nearby persons, property or the environment from the effects of the release  TREATMENT, STORAGE AND DISPOSAL - 24 hours initial 8小时的复习. 

▼   进入密闭空间- 8小时

Our Confined Space Entry course is designed to comply with OSHA’s standard for confined 联邦法规第29章第1910部分.146,其中包含了要求 for practices and procedures to protect employees from hazards of entry into permit-required 密闭空间.





项目协调人 & 领导老师
(251) 460-7200


杰克逊·R·雷吉·诺顿 is the 项目协调人 and 领导老师 for Safety 及紧急应变训练. 他目前担任移动的上尉 Fire Rescue Department on the Hazardous Materials Response Team. 他一直在 fire service since 1994 and has spent time on Mobile’s technical rescue and marine 消防单位. Reggie has been involved in emergency response and safety training in the industrial setting since 1998 and has also served as an observer controller 在美国陆军预备队. 他有职业安全与健康管理局外展讲师的经验 as well as instructor certifications and has spoken at several safety and health conferences. His response experience combined with his unique presentation style and passion for training others makes for a positive learning experience for a variety of audiences. Reggie is married with 4 grown children and 3 grandsons, he is an avid outdoorsman and spends his free time exploring the Mobile Tensaw River Delta and fishing the waters 墨西哥湾沿岸.